I have always considered myself lucky that we could browse the American Girl store and depart without a question, a request, or a tantrum because my daughter, now seven years old, has never been much of a "doll person". Her menagerie of stuffed animals have been the ones to attend school, watch movies, play games, and get fed just like dolls might at another little girl's house.
I am warming up to the idea. I am glad that we did not fall into the American Girl doll craze earlier, when she would have been too young to take proper care of an expensive doll or even understand what "expensive" really means.
We had a great time browsing the American Girl store last weekend. All of a sudden, her eyes opened with wonder and excitement about the seemingly endless looks and features. She pointed out a doll with glasses similar to hers. She gushed over a doll in a wheelchair and said how nice it was that any kid can find a doll with their own unique style. We found a doll that looked most like her and one that had a skin tone and hair most like me. We found soccer outfits and ski outfits, glasses, braces, crutches, hats... it was a fun exploration in the middle of a mall on a Sunday afternoon.
And, you know what? She is right. It is so nice that a little girl can step into this very pink world and find a customized doll that looks like her. If Santa does bring an American Girl doll to our family later this year, I hope she has really cool glasses.