I have an inquisitive boy who would love to go on a Sid the Science kid adventure! This new exhibit is coming in mid-September 2017 to the Children's Museum of Atlanta.
Here is what the creative folks at the museum have to say about the new Super-Duper exhibit, coming soon!
This exciting new traveling exhibit brings the award-winning PBS KIDS TV series Sid the Science Kid to
life. For the first time ever, kids will be able to step into Sid’s
world and become “science kids” themselves as they discover and
investigate everyday science questions around Sid’s home, at school in
the Super Fab Lab and on the playground. Through fun, hands-on
activities, kids will use scientific tools to learn about simple
machines, the laws of motion, magnetism, air power and the five senses.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Friday, July 21, 2017
Painted rocks: inexpensive summer fun
Thousands of families all over the country are getting into the painted rocks movement. Find a rock, hide a rock, paint a rock, leave a rock... it's a lot of fun! The painted rocks movement provides a perfect opportunity to step away from technology and have quality creative time with the kids. Your rocks can be found anywhere outdoors, so the only cost is that of paint and brushes.
Painted rocks: how to join the fun
Organized by state, county or town, painted rocks groups often launch on Facebook. These groups are made up of local members who join in the fun of this movement. Rocks often include words of wisdom or comfort. The joy of finding handmade art spreads happiness, so there really are no restrictions on what you create.
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