This is a sponsored guest post (ad)
from a parent writer and loyal fan of Baltic amber. I have not tested the
product myself, but it sounds interesting.
When I
made the jump from one kid to two, I was anxiety ridden. I knew that at the end
of it all, though, I would survive. After all, I had two hands and a husband.
We could take this on and be okay. When I found out that I was pregnant with
our third just seven months after having our youngest, I was not sure that we
would survive. In fact, I laughed at the thought that I was anxiety ridden
before. That was an understatement to what I was feeling about three.
My husband
played it cool but I could tell with each passing day, his fear of what of
going from two to three also increased. As with anything in our lives, when
change is on the horizon it is best to prepare yourself for all possibilities.
However, I was not prepared for my seven month old to start teething during the
throws of my first trimester morning sickness.