Tweens are at the age where they want to be cool and Mom and Dad do not want them to be too grown up (sexy tweens... not cool). So what if your 9-12 year old wants to choose from unique Halloween costumes for tweens? Where can you look?
Most likely, Halloween superstores pop up in your area (or a nearby city) before the calendar reads October. Take some time to walk around one of these stores or browse websites if you have time for shipping. You can find some great ideas that are unique for kids and fun-loving adults as well.
Here are a few favorites that were approved by me (mom) and my daughter (tween):
Unique Halloween costumes for tweens
Spirit Halloween and Halloween Megastore are two costume and decor themed shops that appear in the southeast US for holiday needs. We fell in love with these unique costume ideas:
Hooded Huntress Costume
This one from Spirit Halloween is a perfect mix of fantasy and toughness, with the hooded cloak and bow and arrow. This girl doesn't need a dress for a royal ball! She's outdoorsy and strong.
Mad Hatter Costume
Colorful and lots of fun, this costume can be paired with extra accessories if your tween wants to go over-the-top.
Where's Waldo Costume
Your tween boy or girl can hide and be found in this Waldo costume. This is a simple one from Party City to pair with the child's own pants and shoes. Waldo is iconic and beloved everywhere, but he's not always seen out there on Halloween.(Moms and Dads can find Waldo and Wendy costumes too. Wouldn't this be an adorable family idea?)
Creepy Clown Costumes
By this age, tweens often want to have fun with scary costumes. What is it about clowns that can be really creepy? Well, let there be no doubt that these clowns are truly creepy. And pretty much evil. If your older child is interested in scaring the smaller neighbors... one of these could be a good choice. Girls' costume shown is from and the other is from WalMart.
If you look, you can easily find many choices that are unique for your 9-12 year old. Here are some DIY Tween Costumes that may also create a special memory - if you are a little bit crafty at home:
Make these strawberry and pineapple costumes kid-sized for a sweet idea
Or, what about this hilarious stick figure costume? White clothes, electrical tape, and a paper plate. Genius! See the original pin.
Happy Halloween! Have fun and let them express themselves in a unique way.