If you are in the Atlanta, GA area and looking for a comprehensive list of summer camps for the kids, check out the always-growing live list of camps at Field Trips With Sue.
"Mom... I'm boooooored!"
This is the call of summertime, right? The first week away from school begins with excitement and a lot of TV and playtime. This may last another week... if you are lucky. Then the boredom begins to set in. There's "nothing" to do. The kids graze in the kitchen on snack after snack because they are so bored.
So, what can we do to entertain the kiddos during the summer months?
For us, camps are going to be a big deal this year. My children are almost six years apart in age, so they rarely entertain each other. And my oldest, soon-to-be-rising third grader, misses child interaction. She desperately misses her friends. Many of her friends go to full-day camps or they stay with grandparents, so play dates are not always an option. For the second year, I will be enrolling her in gymnastic camp - this year it's going to be two days per week. We are also looking at one week of Monday-Friday art camp also. It is important to get her out with her friends, or at least with peers of her own age. She can create and exercise and be constructive.
When we are at home, I have to set daily no-iPad time. In order to do this, I need to put aside my own electronic devices and get involved. Here are some fantastic Pinterest boards with DIY science and art activities you can try at home:
DIY STEAM Projects -for elementary school, via GoldieBlox on Pinterest
Preschool Science - for younger ages, via DV FDHA on Pinterest
Tween Art Projects - via A Cup of Whimsy on Pinterest
Preschool Art - for the wee ones, via Preschool Ponderings on Pinterest