I have a love-hate relationship with blogging. I hate when I have writer's block, when I am short on time, or when other bloggers are using their platforms to sell, sell, sell -- or attack other moms.
The pros are so much more, however. This 5+ year adventure as BalancingMama has created a lot of joy in many ways. I enjoy writing when I am inspired by something and when I have a topic that will be useful to fellow parents. I am thankful for all the amazing experiences I have been able to enjoy, especially the Social Media on the Sand conference at Beaches Turks and Caicos and media days at numerous family-friendly Atlanta attractions.
Most of all, I am genuinely thankful to have met a couple hundred fellow moms who blog. These ladies are writers, business owners, parents, pet owners, and wives. Several are now also real-life friends.
Remember #FF? Follow Friday on Twitter? Well, this will be my own version of Follow Friday today. If you haven't had the pleasure of checking out these ladies' blogs, click and read.
InTheKitchenWithKP - Karen is a fun-loving, never-met-a-stranger kind of mama who cooks everything and brings bundt cake to blog conferences
RedheadBabyMama - Lindsey was a mom of one until just a week ago! Her redheaded preschooler is now a big brother to a sweet baby girl (with brown hair)
JaMonkey - Meghan is a mom of two girls who crafts, organizes, and decorates.
Really, Are You Serious
- Krystyn is a mom of four redheaded girls and a former science teacher
who shares tales from her busy household and tests a lot of baby gear
Happy weekend!