Before the time of all-cartoon cable networks, prior to a Disney Channel subscription in my home... those were the days when children across the country longed for Saturday morning.
Saturday mornings had a purpose; these days held a higher level of excitement than any other throughout the week. It did not matter that I was awake past my bedtime the night before, or that I was battling fatigue from hours of summer swimming pool play.
I headed straight for the television.
Snorks. Smurfs. Pee Wee's Playhouse.
My favorite of all-time? Sandwiched between Snorks at 8:00 and Smurfs at 9:00, was Disney's Adventures of The Gummi Bears.
25+ years later, I can still sing the theme song verbatim.
Dashing and daring,
Courageous and caring,
Faithful and friendly,
With stories to share.
All through the forest,
They sing out in chorus,
Marching along,
As their song fills the air.
Gummi Bears!!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere,
High adventure that's beyond compare,
They are the Gummi Bears!
Magic and mystery,
Are part of their history,
Along with the secret,
of Gummiberry juice...
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I wonder which theme songs Amelia will remember when she's in her 30s? Little Einsteins? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? Maybe the Backyardigans or Fresh Beat Band?
Today, Saturday morning is just like any other morning.
Disney Channel. Nickelodeon. Cartoon Network. PBSKids.
There is such a vast selection of shows every morning of the week, maybe she won't remember any of them?
That breaks my heart just a little bit.
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Another fabulously fun memoir prompt from The Red Dress Club!