But there is a line between tangible and virtual.
Not too long ago, a well-respected and heavily-followed social media expert committed suicide. For many of us, we immediately thought, "How could that be? He had so many followers!".
But a social media follower is not the same as a real-life friend. It is easy to feel alone, even in the thick of a crowd.
If you really knew me, you would know that...
I write the truth.
I write from my heart.
I am what I write...
I write the truth.
I write from my heart.
I am what I write...
But I am probably too embarrassed to talk about it in person.
My first blog conference is coming up on Saturday.
I am a nervous wreck.
What do I wear?
Are comfy shoes okay?
Should I try to be trendy?
Or should I just be me?
What if "me" isn't good enough?
What if I hate it?
Can I leave early and go home to my family?
If you really know me, you will understand that this step is a big one. Blog readers know my heart. They have read my dreams. They are aware of my fears.
And I am about to come out from behind the computer screen... as ME.
I still have no idea what I'm going to wear.
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Inspired by one of Mama Kat's prompts from her prompt-generator HERE.
"If you really knew me, you would know that..."