Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Coming soon: BalancingMama!

I will get back to blogging very soon.
During this short time off, I'm seizing the opportunity to make a couple changes.

After stalking the URL BalancingMama.com for a few months, it finally became available. So, in order to match my Twitter handle and better fit my blog content, this will soon become (drum roll please....)


I have a sweet spot in my heart for 3MomsIn1, of course, but my life as Mom and my blog have evolved over the past two years.

I am more than three moms.
Like every other mom out there, I am a thousand things.

This blog is about more than parenting.
It's about me. A look into my life, my memoirs, my recommendations, my dreams and my aspirations.

I truly am a Balancing Mama. I will never be balanced, as true balance is an ever-changing, slightly intangible thing. I am a real person with real stories and struggles. A parent just like most of you.

Thanks for reading! I can't wait to connect with you soon.
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