Thanksgiving day was truly heartwarming. (I don't mean heartburn from eating too much - although that was certainly present.) No feeling compares to the one I get watching my sweet little girl bring smiles to the faces of people who truly love her. Unconditionally.
We had family time together, mouth-watering food, and plenty of laughs.
My husband succumbed to the lure of the newspaper sales flyers, and convinced me to go out with him at midnight. We were tired and the crowds were ridiculous, but the time we spent together, just me and him, was wonderful. We made memories for sure, tag-teaming the shopping process (I'll get in the checkout line, you go get the items - go! go! go!), meeting friendly shoppers in the line, and standing close together outdoors as the temperatures dropped into the low 40s. We made memories, and did our part for the economy with some new gadgets for our home and Christmas gifts for nieces and nephews.
Today, we slept as late as our 3-year old would allow, and mostly relaxed at home. This evening, we ventured into the city to view the new "Garden Nights, Holiday Lights" at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. It was lovely! Amelia's eyes reflected every magical twinkle. She danced down the pathways. We oohed and ahhed and pointed to all the lovely sights.
I think, perhaps, magic is real. I can feel it.