Sunday, January 27, 2013

New wonders, reborn

My daughter's birth now seems long ago. The memory is disjointed, some parts sharp and other fuzzy. She was a wonder, a joy. She was something that scared the heck out of me. Raising a human being? Creating a personality? An actual PERSON? I had no certainty that I was up to the task.

We are less than three months from her fifth birthday. The moments of physical birth may have passed, but I see new births for her nearly every day. Her artistic talents grow, her imagination blossoms, her knowledge of the world grows by leaps and bounds. Nothing in this life is as amazing and rewarding as the moment a mama can step back and observe a beautiful person in progress.

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I took today's prompt from The One Minute Writer
"Today write on the topic of birth: giving birth, noble birth, the birth of an idea, of being reborn."
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