Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Story: 10 Writers

Week number ten of eleven! Sunday Story - based on an incredible prompt list from Daring to Live Fully, where I will eventually have a list of 100 things I love. Almost there!

10 Writers
  • Shel Silverstein. I have expressed my love for his entertainment a few times on this blog. I am a forever fan.
  • Mitch Albom. His stories are usually quick to read, and always spark some thoughtful moments. 
  • Kate Morton. Mysteries with a historical feel and free of blood and gore. 
  • Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games series had me hooked! I also enjoyed the creativity behind her Gregor the Overlander series.
  • J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter - need I say more?!?
  • Judy Blume. She replied to my email once: Judy Blume email post
  • GA Social Media Moms. This is an amazing group of bloggers. We help each other out and enjoy fun meet ups. Some of these ladies are extremely talented! (If you are a Georgia parent blogger and wish to join this Facebook group, let me know) 
  • Lauren Oliver. I just recently discovered her Delirium series and have enjoyed Delirium and Pandemonium. I am always interested by new views of future societies, and this series is great so far. 
  • Mary Higgins Clark. I haven't read her in a while, but there was a time when I eagerly devoured every mystery she created. I'll have to check... maybe there is a new one I've missed since then!
  • Balancing Mama. Me! I am not a professional, nor am I outstanding. But I have enjoyed writing since I could hold a pencil and form the letters. Having my own little world via Balancing Mama is really special to me. 

Click through to see all of my past Sunday Story posts.

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Daring to Live Fully is a lovely site that aims to “simplify your life by identifying authentic desires, and be more productive by doing less while achieving more, and by embracing creativity.” She has a great section of journal prompts and covers happiness, productivity, self growth, and more! I am breaking up her 100 Things I Love journal prompt for a total of 11 Sundays.
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