Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kindergarten homework projects

I don't know how long it will take for me to not be completely fascinated by kindergarten; these kids are incredibly active and busy! Amelia's kindergarten teacher does not give a lot of specific homework, but she asks us to work at home with our children however we wish.

I scoured the Internet for some Kindergarten worksheets, mostly focusing on letter formation and sight words.

Letter Formation:
Here is a full A-to-Z set of printable trace and print letter worksheets. Amelia knows how to write all the letters, but she does many of them bottom-to-top. I like that these worksheets have a dot at the top of each letter, as a clue showing where they should start with their pencil. I watch her do these to make sure she is practicing the correct method of letter formation.

Sight Words:
I really like this sight word game, Roll A Sight Word. The worksheets are printed without words, so I am able to fill in the words that fit the class schedule, or the few that Amelia needs extra practice to master. You need one standard die and a pencil. Writing the sight words repeatedly is a fantastic way to soak in the spelling and help memorize the pattern and look of the word. 

And finally, I made several worksheets of my own. Amelia loves to color, so I printed several sheets filled with bubble-letter sight words. I say the sight word, she colors it. This helps her to recognize the word, plus she has fun coloring. We have a few rainbow words around our house! 

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