Making a will. It is a depressing thought, isn't it? This is what my husband and I need to face sometime soon. We do not have anything official/legal made up. We have life insurance with beneficiaries listed, but no actual will. More importantly than assets, we need to officially plan what were to happen to our children if (God forbid) we were both gone.
How on earth do you do this?
We have amazing family members on both sides, all of whom would take in our kids and love them forever. But how do you choose something like that? It is simply too painful to imagine. My husband and I are struggling with the idea, but we know it is important. If our children (again, I say God forbid!) are faced with the devastation of losing us, we would never want them to endure uncertainly or unnecessary court battles. We also want to ensure that our assets go to them, but that they are managed in an appropriate manner.
I have no wisdom to share in this post - do you have any for me? How do you imagine the unimaginable? How to you make a smart plan when the idea is just awful?
Or... how do I make myself invincible?
I would choose protecting my children for eternity if I could.