Thursday, June 12, 2014

Three must-haves for getting this mama back in shape

So, the sweet baby boy was born at the end of January before a snow storm.
The amazing kindergartener finished her year with an astounding knowledge and thirst for reading.

Four months have gone by so quickly! Summer is officially in full swing, and I am still struggling to find clothes that I like on my body and swimsuits that do not make me want to hide in the bathroom instead of lounging by the pool.

I am slowly but surely improving my body - and my perception of myself. Mostly though basic science: consuming fewer calories in order to burn fat.  I'm no expert, but from past experience, these are my current three "must haves" for trimming some numbers off the scale:

(1) My Fitness Pal -- the best app for logging caloric intake and understanding how certain foods and drinks can affect a weigh loss plan. I log in everything I eat or drink. If I have a sip of regular Coke? I log it in. If I eat four chocolate chips? I log it in. It keeps me accountable and aware of what I am putting in my mouth, so I avoid mindless boredom eating. I was doing a lot of that since we came home with baby! My free pass to eat whatever I want has probably expired. My Fitness Pal calculates the daily calories I am allowed to have in order to meet my weekly weight loss goal, taking into account my own size, activity level, and starting weight.

(2) Fit Bit -- I use it for tracking steps. When I have an extra-active day (like a long walk around the park, am hour at the mall, a theme park visit), I can log that into My Fitness Pal and eat more calories! Nothing motivates me to take a walk more than that Fun Size candy bar on the counter.

(3) Digital scale with half pounds -- I don't like scales that round to the nearest pound. Mine shows half pounds as well. Motivation happens when I see results, and weight to the half-pound allows me to see progress twice as often as just to the pound.I can celebrate when I have lost half a pound - it is an accomplishment!

I am not pushing myself too hard, I know it takes time. Especially "at my age" and with a second child. But when I find myself not liking my own shape or the fit of my clothes, I want to do something about it. If it takes 4 months, so be it. I just want to know that I am at least trying. No more stuffing my face with chocolate. Unless it's a special occasion. Or vacation. Or.... :) 

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