Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Um... frazzled mommy!

Before I get into my ramblings for this afternoon, I just want to say...


I got myself out of a warm, comfy bed 40 minutes earlier this morning and got on the elliptical machine. That thing had dust on it like you wouldn't believe. I think it was angry with me for the neglect, but luckily it didn't throw me off & break my ankle. We played nice. For 10 minutes. Yes, I know... wimpy. But I did a hard 10 minutes and worked up a sweat. I figured I can increase the time each day. Add one minute to each day, 4x/week, and I'll be up to 25 minutes in less than a month. Wish me luck!

So yeah, today I am frazzled. I don't even know if I fit into one of my three mommy personas. I'm just the "frazzled mom" today.

I suppose I was perfect because I chose an after school snack for Amelia that she didn't call "yucky" and throw at me.

I suppose I was happy for following through with my morning exercise. But did I mention I reaaaally hate exercise? Maybe I'm happy that it's over for the day.

I've definitely been working. Working my booty off, actually. Amelia went to school and I tried to calm some advertising crises that managed to land on my plate.

Busy, busy, busy. And frazzled. But OK. Things are always OK because I'm lucky and I'm blessed with a pretty good life.
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