Friday, March 23, 2012

I was the best mom ever - until I became one.

Rebecca is a Homeschool Mom and writes about life's journey at Mom's Mustard Seeds. A place for all spend time laughing, crying and resting, while being encouraged to push forward and seek out faith that can move mountains.

I love her thoughts here. She's a pretty smart mama!

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Parenting, it's a funny thing.
I was really good at it...the best...until I became one.

You too? Maybe not.

Before I became a parent...I thought "Wow, my kids will never do that."

Then, I became a parent...and children began to do whatever it was I swore my they would never do.

You scream or cry in a grocery store.

Long gone are my thoughts of... "Yeah, my Kids won't do that."
Now, I think... "Glad it's not my turn"...or "That poor baby,he/she is tired...and Mom is, too...sure wish I could help."

What about you? Were you the perfect parent before you became one. Or have you found that epiphany of the perfect parenting mixed with kids that are very pliable in this crazy world that seems to drive 100 mph....with the windows down and everyone running to their own destinations to meet their own needs or desires?

Nope, my kids aren't perfect.

But, I love them...and accept them for who they are. I can't change their hearts, but I can walk along life's paths while they are with me. I can tie their heart strings to mine in a way that will give them precious memories to cherish and desire for their own home....and I can share with them the same love, grace and mercy that Jesus shares with me daily!

I love spending days drawing, making crafts, baking, learning, reading, playing and building relationships with my children....and I'm beginning to let go.....
I'm letting go of being the perfect parent...and expecting perfect children. I want to be a parent who shares in the joys and laughter....the good and the bad....all moments, walking this glorify him!

And...if you ever see me in a store with my children...we may be laughing or I may be the one crying. I just ask...that if I am crying...please don't judge me. Maybe walk up, put your arm around me and say...."One day....this too shall pass"....

Put a little laughter in your day....enjoy it all....because one day those sticky little fingers will be grown...the laundry no longer piling up and either school work or homework will no longer be strewn about the house...and the dog won't be eating it either. BUT, their heartstrings may be tied so tightly to yours...through the laughter that they will come home, sit at the counter, eat some chocolate chips and roll through those aisles with you again!

What do you enjoy doing with your children? Have you let go of perfection and soaked up the beauty of a real life founded in love and acceptance?
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