Monday, May 21, 2012

Unseen friend

I am sad for Amelia this week. Her final week of the school year, and her last week with two best friends. Both friends are changing schools. Amelia goes to summer school because I work a couple days a week, and I fear next week's tears; she cries when she feels alone. She is devastated that her friends will not be there anymore. The other kids love Amelia, but she has an extra special bond with these two.

I hope she soon finds that bond again with more adorable friends.

Until then, I'm reminded of "The Unseen Friend." I hope he/she does an extra good job for my girl next week!

When children are playing alone on the green,
In comes the playmate that never was seen.
When children are happy and lonely and good,
The Friend of the Children comes out of the wood.

Nobody heard him, and nobody saw,
His is a picture you never could draw,
But he's sure to be present, abroad or at home,
When children are happy and playing alone.

He lies in the laurels, he runs on the grass,
He sings when you tinkle the musical glass;
Whene'er you are happy and cannot tell why,
The Friend of the Children is sure to be by!
--Robert Louis Stevenson

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