Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Story: 10 Activities

We are in it now: crunch time. The season of hustle and bustle. It begins in October with fundraisers, festivals, and numerous school activities. Once we get a breather from October, November will be peeking around the corner. That includes Thanksgiving - then the Christmas rush!

Life has been fun, but busy to say the least. To help me keep up with posts, I am starting my own Sunday Story. Eleven weeks. Based on an incredible prompt list from Daring to Live Fully, where I will eventually have a list of 100 things I love.

The first list?
10 Activities I Love

  • Writing. I love writing. It doesn't even have to be good. There is something about pulling thoughts from my head and breathing life into them via words. Words that maybe, somewhere, someone will read and enjoy. 
  • Movie time with my girl. Given my work schedule, she often has to watch movies by herself while my mind is elsewhere. But every now and then, I am able to stop the noise of a to-do list and sit with my little lady. We snuggle together under a blanket, feet up, and watch together.
  • Crunching leaves under my shoes. I am writing this on the eve of a major Fall storm. It is not hitting here, but it sent us cooler temperatures and gusty winds. Our leaves that only just turned into warm reads and yellows are now twisting and turning to the ground. I foresee some backyard leaf-crunching time on our schedule this week! Nothing says Fall to me like that sound.
  • Cruising. Quickly becoming my favorite family vacation, cruising is fun and easy. We get to experience beautiful places and our room and luggage go with us. Delicious meals are prepared by someone else and entertainment is around the clock.

  • Reading at night. Once Amelia is in bed and the house is quiet, I love wiggling down under the covers and reading my latest purchase for my e-reader. Authors have a magical ability to transport us into other lives and to other worlds.
  • Painting. Sometimes this means a kid-friendly project with my girl, other times it means a night out with my grown-up girl friends. Twice I have gone to one of those painting instruction places with drink and snacks in hand. Painting is calming and quiet, and I am usually surprised at what I can make with a little bit of guidance.  
  • Running my hands through her curls. I am jealous of my child's hair. It is perfectly curly and full. I could play with those lovely curls all day. If only I had the time.
  • Doing nothing. This is exceedingly rare, but doesn't it sound fantastic? 
  • Eating just-baked warm goodies. I have a weakness for treats, especially warm cookies and brownies. Just out of the oven, gooey goodness. Mmmmm. 
  • Christmas shopping. Believe it or not, I actually enjoy Christmas shopping. I find joy in buying things for beloved family members and fantastic teachers. Sure I have my moments where there is just not enough time in the day, but for the most part, I love this part of the season. And hey, it's almost Halloween. The stores seem to think that means Christmas. Merry merry! 

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Daring to Live Fully is a lovely site that aims to “simplify your life by identifying authentic desires, and be more productive by doing less while achieving more, and by embracing creativity.” She has a great section of journal prompts and covers happiness, productivity, self growth, and more! I am breaking up her 100 Things I Love journal prompt for the next 11 Sundays.
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