This past Wednesday was cold! I was finally 80% improved from my awful 10+ day illness, however, and bursting to get out of the house. So very thankful that I made it to the Ford One Tank For Good event!
I was provided with a Ford C-MAX Hybrid for the week (still driving it and having so much fun!) as well as three generous gift cards to host a group of local mom bloggers for breakfast, a hands-on preview of the C-MAX, and a shopping challenge for toys which would go to patients at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
We oohed and ahhed over the hands-free lift gate, the completely quiet engine, the push-button start, and the sassy styling.
Watch a video of the hands-free lift gate here.
At the nearby discount store, I sent three blogger teams off on a shopping challenge. They had a selection of required toys to find and purchase, and were then allowed to fill their carts with any other approved toys or school supplies - but they had to stay within a very specific budget. "Price is Right rules" -- as close as they could, without going over.
Blogger moms are competitive! It was enjoyable watching them pick and choose and crunch the numbers. In the end, we filled the C-MAX trunk with fantastic items that will go to many sweet hospitalized children in Atlanta.
And the big winners? Meghan of @JaMonkey and Lindsey of @RedheadBabyMama! They came within only $0.02 of their budget! Now that was some good shopping!
Thank you so much to Ford for providing a C-MAX for both myself and Ann of Mundane Magic, and especially for the gift cards which allowed us to purchase a trunk-full of items!
I didn't even need one whole tank of gas. I have been all over the city for three days and I'm not even at half a tank yet! 47 MPG? Impressive!
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Please show these amazing, charitable mom bloggers some love: @BernettaStyle, @iluvbeinmarried, @JaMonkey, @MundaneMagic, @RedHeadBabyMama, @SeriousKrystyn, @spelken, @theatlgo2girl