I just read a post titled The Default Parent via Huffington Post (and lots of viral shares). This is my response.
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I am, without a doubt, the default parent.
I am the wiper of noses, the cleaner of clothes, the maker of meals... and snacks... and more meals and snacks.
A family vacation isn't really a vacation but just a trip where all of my work tags along and I have few of the comforts from gadgets and gizmos that help out at home.
I work from home; my to-dos are the ones constantly interrupted or tossed aside completely when a need arises from a small person - or sometimes a husband.
Make this call, fill out this form, pack that lunch, make that appointment, take them for a flu shot and a booster flu shot, buy shoes that fit, find a hotel for the family vacation, er, trip. The one who sits on the sidelines with the baby while everyone else has fun = mom.
But this is okay because mothers are built to multi-task, to get it all done for everyone despite the ever-growing list of what needs to be done, what should have been done, and what might not get done in the next six months.
Not whining here; at least I have a backup parent.
He is the preparer of breakfast, the commuter, the money-earner (much better than I am), the business traveler, the playtime guy who can make two little faces light up with joy simply by walking through the door.
He switches gears from work demands and meetings and traffic to the kid zone.
Life is tiring as a parent, that's just the way it is.
We just have to roll with it and know that it is totally okay if some days are better than others (yes... even if some are complete disasters).
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Mama Kat's Writers' Workshop is today and I'm linked up! Write a blog post in 12 lines.