On Wednesday, Amelia and I met up with a fantastic group of Georgia bloggers and their kiddos for what I have dubbed the "Pink Pig Pottery-Pallooza". We met on a drizzly afternoon at Macy's department store in the Lenox Mall, with giddy children anticipating their annual Pink Pig rides.
I wrote about our Pink Pig adventure last year also. It is definitely the best Atlanta family tradition - and it has been around for more than five generations. We had a blast again. And this year? Amelia got the cutest photo with Priscilla the pig herself! (I actually prefer it over her photo with, you know, that big guy in red.)
With giggles in our cars, we drove to All Fired Up, a paint-your-own pottery studio at Emory Village. There, our fine hosts treated the kids to pottery painting, letter writing to Santa, cupcakes, and drinks. Even a Starbucks run for the parents! Amelia painted a unique rainbow duck. I can't wait to see how it looks once fired (or "when it gets all sparkly", in Amelia's words).
Blogging is fun. Meeting other bloggers and connecting for a good cause? Even better. What a fantastic afternoon!
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Did you know Macy's also has another, albeit much newer, tradition? The Believe Campaign! Inspired by the New York Sun's famous "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" editorial from 1897, the Believe Campaign aims to bring hope, joy, and inspiration to others. At every Macy's store, there is a letterbox to collect letters for Santa. Macy's will deliver the letters to the post office and donate $1 for every letter received to the Make-A-Wish foundation, up to a total of $1 million! Now that is a reason to believe. Please, get out there and drop in your letters!
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Special thank you to @JollyMom, @StressFreeBaby, and @BeEverywhere. They are also the forces behind the camera for the photos shared above. Thanks!