I recently met (virtually) some sweet women from Peeps Eyewear and LittleFourEyes.com. They introduced me to an upcoming event they are co-sponsoring called The Great Glasses Play Day. The event celebrates kids who wear glasses, but it also has an important goal that is at to my heart: to increase awareness of early childhood vision health.
We first noticed Amelia's eye "floating" when she was quite small. It showed up when she was tired, especially. But it was so infrequent, we chalked it up to a quirk that would go away. Last Fall, we began to see it more often. We decided to have an eye doctor check her out - we assumed he'd say it was nothing and send us on our merry way. Not so much. After surgery #1, we were miserable. Her eyes were worse than ever. Surgery #2 looked like it did the trick. Until a few weeks ago... now we've scheduled surgery #3.
Three surgeries in nine months, at age four.
Early action would not necessarily have prevented our disappointing eye journey, but it would have been easier to handle when she was too young to know what was happening. We would have been past this hurdle and moved on with our happy lives.
You never know what is lurking behind your child's eyes. Maybe they have poor vision, maybe this causes headaches, maybe they have an eye muscle issue like Amelia does. It doesn't hurt to have one extra appointment, just to be sure. Routine vision screenings are important as well - our pediatrician performs them at 6 months old, and every year forward. (Amelia's vision is actually fine, so we "missed" the eye muscle issue).
The Great Glasses Play Day takes place on August 5th as a meetup at parks around the country and on Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. You can find more information on LittleFourEyes.com and GreatGlassesPlayDay.com. Many cities still need organizers and promotion - find out how you can help!