While I don't have a full-year supply to give away today, I do have THREE coupons for a free bottle of Purex Triple Action detergent. Would you like a free bottle for yourself? Enter below! You can select any of the wonderful Purex scents including Mountain Breeze, Linen & Lilies, or my go-to choice for Amelia's sensitive skin, Free & Clear.

Entering to win is simple:
(1) Watch the Let's Be Honest videos.
You can find them here: Purex Let's Be Honest Videos
(2) Comment below and tell me which one was your favorite.
Make sure you include your email address so I can contact you if you win!
*For an bonus entry (optional), Tweet out the link to your favorite.
Leave an additional comment below, including the URL to your tweet
*For an additional bonus entry (optional), Like or Share your favorite video using the social media buttons on the Purex video web page. Leave an additional comment below, telling me what you did and your user name.
The giveaway will end on Monday, July 16th at 8:00 pm EST. I will contact the winners via email, and must receive a response within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected.
My favorite, you ask? I've gotta say moment #15 - Mmmm, delicious!
Happy video watching!