Friday afternoon - an event for which we have been waiting in anxious anticipation for nine long weeks. We're going back to the pediatric ophthalmologist! Amelia has proudly (and adorably) worn her pink glasses for nine weeks. She says they help, but she tends to tell us anything helps (perhaps so we will leave her alone). We still see the eye crossing. She still makes funny head tilts. This mama is ready for a plan C. Probably back to surgery? We will see. I have my questions ready. I hope the doctor has enough time in his schedule for us! I plan on grabbing his undivided attention for a while.
Until I have an update, why don't you pop over to the beloved Little Four Eyes Site to read my latest post: a review of Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly.
It's a fun book, and the main character wears glasses. Books about glasses have an important place, but it is just important for kids to see bespectacled characters living their own lives, not fretting (or learning) specifically about glasses. The glasses are not the person.
We need more main characters with glasses! Super heroes and Princesses with glasses too.