Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#WW: Almost a year ago...

Almost one year ago, we closed on our new house. We moved to our favorite school district area on this side of town for Amelia to begin kindergarten. She is almost finished with that kindergarten year already!

This is our forever home, barring any unforeseen job issues that would require us to go out of state. We plan to be here for the long haul. Both children will grow up here. Our next home will be the empty nest solution - downsize!

This house is wonderful. Despite the dark hardwood floors that I quickly realized show every piece of possible dirt (funny how they gleamed gorgeously when the house was being shown!) and the light switches that seem to be in really odd locations, we are happy here. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the family room, the wooded area outside, the deck, the cul-de-sac with friendly neighbors... it's all good.

May - closing day...

June - moving day...

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