Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Children are our best investment @SaveTheChildren

My husband grew up understanding the power of a hurricane. I have been landlocked for all of my life, so I don't fully comprehend that power. However, I understand how much devastation can come from significant weather events; I've seen the aftermath on the news. The stories of children are the hardest to watch.
Wednesday, Oct. 29 is the 2-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy’s U.S. landfall.  Sandy affected 24 states, killed 162 people, caused more than $50 million in damage and damaged or destroyed 650,000 homes and hundreds of child care centers and schools.  It was the day that life turned upside down for thousands of children who suddenly lost everything – including their very sense of stability. 
Save the Children is still working with many of these children to help them rebound. 

 So what can you do?
Get prepared and encourage others to do the same, so that children are better protected from disaster. 

  • Save the Children’s recent poll shows that 49% of U.S. parents don’t feel the very prepared to protect their children from disaster.
  • 51% don’t think their child’s school or child care center is very prepared either. 
  • A whopping 74% of parents don’t think the federal government is prepared to protect their kids should disaster strike!

Download Disaster Checklists for Parents and Childcare Workers

The downloadable checklist posters tell parents and child care professionals what they need to know to Get Ready Get Safe and what to have on hand in case of emergency. Because being prepared is the first line of defense in a disaster. And disasters can happen anywhere; fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc.  Do you know how to find your children if school or daycare is evacuated?


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Information provided by SaveTheChildren.org. You can SIGN THE PLEDGE to receive full access to Save the Children's 2014 Disaster Report Card, titled  What are You Waiting For? You'll see how your state ranks in protecting kids, where parents are falling short, and what you can do about it.

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