Last Fall, we decided to get it checked by a pediatric eye specialist. What he had to say shocked us for sure!
Surgery. Her condition was purely muscular; her vision was perfect. Surgery would move the eye muscles so the eyes could remain straight and forward in their normal, relaxed state. 80% success rate.
January - surgery #1. Eyes now crossed in dramatically.
March - surgery #2. Improved, but still turning inward.
On the schedule, surgery #3 in September.
Strabismus is such a roller coaster ride! Time will tell where Amelia's story goes.
There is a chance that bifocal lenses will improve her enough that they will not be forever. At this point, that is our ideal. But we know better than to get our hearts set on the best case scenario. Wait and see... we must wait and see.
Yesterday, we went glasses shopping! She is as adorable and sassy as ever.