Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friends 2 Follow Friday


Thank goodness the weekend is almost here. And thank goodness for another Friends 2 Follow Friday!

If you don't yet know Jamee from A New Kind of Normal, you're missing out! She is an amazing person, fighting many battles while holding strong to her faith and relationships.

Blog name? A New Kind of Normal

When was your blog born - and why? My blog was born in July 2007 as an outlet during our struggle to get pregnant. So it began as an infertility blog but grew into a chronic illness and faith blog. Along the way adoption and parenthood have been added in as well!

Twitter/Facebook?  Both!

Find Jamee on TWITTER
Find Jamee on FACEBOOK.

The writer behind the words - list 5 adjectives that describe you.
Nerdy, Compassionate, Discerning, Persevering, Musical

What surprised you most about parenthood? How you to could love someone so deeply in such a short amount of time! The moment Abby was placed into my arms
 I melted and my heart grew 3 sizes. And every day I love her more and more. The first time that she was sick I just cried because I wanted to bad to take it from her but I couldn't!

What does balance mean to you? Hahahaha. Good Question! I am trying really REALLY hard to find some sort of balance in my life but so far no luck! With juggling multiple illnesses, work, a toddler, and a husband I haven't quite gotten there yet. But I would say that personally having balance means being able to find that inner quiet place of contentment and refreshment. Hopefully I find it soon!

If you had 2 hours of pure "me" time, what would you do? If I'm flaring, I would curl up in bed with comfy pajamas and Gibbs (NCIS). If I'm not flaring (which would truly be pure "me" time), then I would go shopping!

Fellow bloggers - EMAIL ME if you want to be featured on an upcoming Friends 2 Follow Friday!
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