Oh. My. Gosh.
Halloween was a BLAST this year! Amelia woke up in the morning, asking "can we do Ha-wa-ween now?". She was excited all day long. She put on her costume and accessories without complaint. Even let me do the purple hairspray.
We have an awesome neighborhood. A huge group of us met early and attacked the neighborhood together. Everyone had costumes and cameras. After the first couple houses, Amelia got the hang of it and chased after the big kids to each doorstep.
Here are some highlights of Halloween 2010!
Amelia loves her surprised pumpkin |
Happy with her hot pink nails |
My rock-n-roll diva! |
The superstar with her back-up singer & (sleazy) manager |
Trick-or-Treat! |
Really funny neighbor & his kickin' drum beat |
Goodnight, Mr. Pumpkin |