Cracked me up! It is astounding how many things we grew up with that just do not exist anymore.
At Christmas, my parents pulled out my 1980s Fisher Price record player:
Amelia had no clue what it was, but once we showed her how to play music, she enjoyed it. "It's like a CD, Mommy." Well... of course it is.
My first video game system? It did not have wireless controllers. It did not send light lasers to detect my body movements. It didn't even have a joystick. We had an Intellivision, with games like Snafu and Burgertime:
And remember car phones? The kind that actually had a cord connected to the car? A college friend had one of these and I remember thinking it was pretty cool.
Today, I carry an iPhone that can do just about anything. Some of you may even be reading this post from a phone. Pretty amazing, huh?
What old-school technologies would your kids not recognize today?