I've really made a conscious effort to manage my life over the past few weeks, and I do think it's made a difference.
I'm never going to stop trying to be "perfect" - call me anal, if you will. I want the best of everything for my girl. I want to follow all the rules to make sure she learns what she needs to learn and has fun doing it.
I don't see the Working Mommy role leaving anytime soon. I need that bit of outside purpose in my life. I need to stay current in the industry. And I don't want to give up the extra mad money I'm able to earn.
But in order to be the Happy Mommy, I knew I had to let little bit of each of these go. I've set a time each evening to completely stop working - no checking email, no thinking about the latest crisis, etc. Just like walking out of an office for the day, I have to walk away from that part of my life. And I have to relax Amelia's "rules" a little bit. She's 22 months old, not 22 years old. She can't understand everything we want of her just yet. She's trying, and we have to be happy with that. She's a brilliant and sweet little lady, even if she does test me with her spunk and curiosity.
We had a fantastic weekend, even if the weather once again did not cooperate. We had some playtime at the mall yesterday and went to the fantastic indoor playspace this morning. Amelia is still afraid of the slides, but she really loves to bounce! We had a nice time. We live for weekends!